Wollongong Youth Council Volunteer Honorarium Form

As an acknowledgement of the value of your contribution and as a thank you for being generous with your time, FYA would like to pay you a volunteer honorarium as communicated to you via email by bank transfer.

The information collected in the form below will be used to manage your role as a member on the Wollongong Youth Forum. There are three sections to this form. If you are unsure about any of the questions, reach out to your FYA Program contact.

Please fill in your details below so that we can pay you in a timely manner:


Personal Details

*This helps us understand the best way to address each other and respects the wonderful gender diversity in our community. We recognise that pronouns may change for people. If you'd prefer not to write your pronouns, you can write "prefer only being referred to as my name" or skip this question.

Bank Details


We respect the privacy of our volunteers. The information collected in this form will be used to manage your volunteer engagement with FYA.

More information about how FYA collects, uses, stores and discloses personal information about you, and how you can correct or make a complaint about how we have handled your personal information, can be found in our privacy policy at fya.org.au/privacy

Volunteer Declaration

Parent/guardian consent and agreement

Please use the checkboxes below to signify your consent and sign at the end: