Our Values

Our values define what we stand for, how we work together and what our work feels like as we pursue our vision. In backing young people’s power, strong values also underpin what we choose to do, and how we do it.


We respect and back First Nations young people and their communities

We respect and back the strength, knowledge and ongoing resistance of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander young people and their communities. As an organisation that is a beneficiary of colonisation, we are committed to decolonisation. We embed First Nations self-determination in our work. We back First Nations justice.


We back young people

Backing young people to transform the future means following their lead – and having their back. We are here to be of service to their vision. We are steady in our trust, especially when the going gets tough.


We shift power to young people with lived experience

We back the leadership of First Nations people, LGBTQIA+ people, disabled people, women and non-binary people, low-income communities and people of colour. We shift power to young people with lived experience of systemic injustice to transform those systems. We are more powerful when we act together.


We dream big

Transforming the world as it is, into the world young people want, requires imagination, courage, and collective action. We dream big, and act boldly to achieve real change.


We care about each other

We care deeply about those we work with. We are open, welcoming and helpful collaborators. We build authentic, safe, and culturally appropriate relationships through respect, warmth, and communication.


We are always learning

Our strong strategic capacity is underpinned by action, deep reflection and iteration. We try things others haven’t, take initiative, use all our skills and diverse experiences, own our mistakes, and learn and share everything we can.


We celebrate impact

Changing the world requires everyone, so it needs to be fun and connected to what we’re passionate about. We keep work informal, accessible and human. We make experiences memorable. Culture, inspiration and celebration are central to creating and sustaining change.