Horsham Youth Council Planting Day consent form

We ask for some personal details in this form. This will be used to manage your participation at the event.

We will also use this information to add you to our mailing list to receive communications about our upcoming programs, events and opportunities. If at any time you wish to opt-out of receiving communications from us, you may unsubscribe using the link provided or email us at privacy@fya.org.au


Participant Information

Consent and Agreement

This section is to be filled out by participants.


FYA requires safe and respectful spaces for all. This precludes acts or threats of violence, or conduct reasonably likely to endanger the physical or mental health of yourself or other person, including but not limited to harassment, discrimination and the consumption of drugs or alcohol.


Information Collection

My story, image and voice is my own and I give permission to the Foundation for Young Australians (FYA) to collect information about me by:

  • Taking photos of me


Information Use and Sharing

I decide how other people use and share my story, image and voice

I agree that the information collected from me may be used by FYA:
I agree that the information collected from me may be shared:



Information about how FYA collects, uses, stores and discloses personal information, and how you can correct or make a complaint about how we have handled your personal information, can be found in our privacy policy.


Child Safety and Wellbeing

Information about how FYA protects children from harm, exploitation and abuse and prioritises the right of every child to feel physically and emotionally safe, including in the way information is managed, can be found in our child safety and wellbeing policy.



In the event of any accident or illness sustained I authorise staff from FYA to obtain emergency medical attention and/or an ambulance.

If required, give permission for FYA staff to administer:

Parent/Guardian Consent Agreement

This section is to be filled out by parents/guardians.

Please fill out this section to signify your consent to the following:

  • In the event of any accident or illness sustained I authorise staff from FYA to obtain emergency medical attention and/or an ambulance