Anonymous Complaints & Feedback Form
The information you write in this form will be received by the People & Culture Coordinator and ED Engagement + Operations. They will review and act on it in line with the Internal Complaints Policy.
Before submitting an anonymous complaint or feedback, it’s important to note the following:
- no-one will know your identity (unless you write something in the form which identifies you)
- this may limit what we can do to resolve your concern
- we will not be able to keep you informed about the progress of your complaint or feedback
- you will not be able to appeal any decisions made based on your complaint or feedback.
The extent to which FYA is able to investigate and/or act on anonymous complaints and feedback depends on whether the person making the complaint has provided enough information to enable FYA to understand the circumstances of the complaint. It also depends what the complaint or feedback is about.
Employees are encouraged to raise complaints through one of the non-anonymous reporting processes, due to the limitations of acting on anonymous complaints.
You can find more information about how to make a complaint, and how complaints will be handled and investigated, in the Internal Complaints Policy, Informal Complaints Procedure and Formal Complaints Procedure.